Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

follow up campaign for chemistry matery !

teman teman gue ada yg punya sebuah band namanya CHEMISTRY MATERY .

beberapa hari lalu gue dan anak yg laen di kasih stiker band mereka gitccuu, buat promosi katanya .ntarannya mah kalo mau lagi harus beli -,-
and this is it, some of my photos with their stickers !

looks weird !
untuk para personil CM, TUH BAND LO UDAH GUE PROMOSIIN hahaha

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

finally, she is my friend, not enemy anymore

karena gue udah gak tahan bgt main sindir sindiran terus sm dia 
dan gue juga bingung sebenernya siapa yg salah, dan siapa yg harusnya marah duluan.
akhirnya gue beranikan diri untuk ngomong duluan dan berusaha 'minta maaf' sm dia .
dan ternyata dia juga sama kaya gue , selama ini kita cuma kebawa emosi padahal gak jelas juga apa sebabnya.
akhirnya gue ama dia baikan deh, udah gak main nyindiran lagi dan udah lega gak ada yang ditakutin .

Senin, 06 Desember 2010

me and my boys haha

heloooow ini karya gue loh haha
ada yg bilang kaya tante girang, ada yg bilang kaya kakek kakek, ada yg bilang kaya cewe kecentilan sok megang megang haha
emg aneh sih ya, kaya apa gitcuuu --"

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

you hurt me

waktu lu breakup ama gue alesan lu kan buat serius belajar kan, katanya lu gak boleh pacaran dulu sm ibu lo kan .
tapi kenyataannya apa, bener kata gue kan kalo ternyata lo masih sayang bgt sm mantan lo itu
gue gak tau sih benerannya kaya gimana, gue gak berani untuk nanya dan lo juga gak ada niat buat cerita sm gue kan
tp kayanya sih gitu ya terlihat dri cara lo ngobrol sm dia si PEREMPUAN CANTIK itu !
gue gak masalah kalo lo emg masih ada rasa sm dia, gak ada hak gue buat ngelarang tp setidaknya kan lo bisa blg ama gue
jangan bilangnya apa tp kenyataannya apa, bisa kan eh liar ?
but honestly i still love you :(

cry me out - pixie lott

I got your emails
You just don't get females
Now, do you?
What's in the heart
Is not on your head

Mate, you're too late
And your weren't worth the wait
Now, were you?
It's out of my hands
Since you blew your last chance
When you played me

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out
The tears that I'll fall
Mean nothing at all
It's time to get over yourself

Baby, you ain't all that
Maybe, there's no way back
You can keep talking
But, baby, I'm walking away

When I found out
How you messed me about
I was broken
Back then I believed you
Now, I don't need you
No more

The pick on your phone
Proves you weren't alone
She was with you, yeah
Now, I couldn't care
That you weren't aware
We're through

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out
The tears that I'll fall
Mean nothing at all
It's time to get over yourself

Baby, you ain't all that
Maybe, there's no way back
You can keep talking
But, baby, I'm walking away

Gonna have to cry me out
Gonna have to cry me out
Boy, there ain't no doubt
Gonna have to cry me out

Won't hurt a little bit
Boy, better get used to it
You can keep talking
But, baby, I'm walking away

Listen, I got the emails
I got the text
The answer's still the same
It's the way it is
I got to go

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out
The tears that I'll fall
Mean nothing at all
It's time to get over yourself

Baby, you ain't all that
Maybe, there's no way back
You can keep talking
But, baby, I'm walking away

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out
The tears that I'll fall
Mean nothing at all
It's time to get over yourself

'Cause baby, you ain't all that
Maybe, there's no way back
You can keep talking
But, baby, I'm walking away

Minggu, 14 November 2010


sedang sedih nih .
pengen cerita tp males haha gak jelas bgt deh sumpah .
(cuma pgn ngisi blog yg sudah lama tak dikunjungi )

Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

made by me for me haha geje

baru bikin nih, iseng doang sih cuma ya pengan aja kayanya asik tuh liat orang2 yang pada ngeblog. sebenernya buta naget ngt tentang blog nih tapi ya itu kepengen hehe .